Free Build – Activity Room
All ages. Our Activity Room will be open and stocked with Lincoln logs, blocks, LEGOs, and more. This is unstructured free play and exploration. Parents are required to directly supervise their children and help clean up. Stop by and see what you can build!
Who Is The Real St. Patrick? – Giddens
The image of the man is shaped by the green-beer infused celebrations and myths like his driving the snakes from Ireland. His life, in fact, is a fascinating one that bears little resemblance to the caricature. For example, few know he was not Irish but British. Nor that he was a slave. Stuart Kellogg is [...]
TED Talks Discussion Group – Board Room
Meets on Mondays in the Computer Lab to discuss a TED talk of interest. Everyone is welcome.
Teen Crafternoon – Teen Services
3/17 Crochet Night: Shamrocks 3/24 Pet Portraits (bring a pic of your pet!) 3/31 Letterboxes
Toddler Storytime – Activity Room
Ages 18 months-3 years. This storytime is for all of the roamers, movers, and shakers! The program lasts 30-40 minutes, with about 15-20 minutes dedicated to reading, rhyme, and music, and 20 minutes dedicated to play and socialization or crafts and coloring.
Book Review and Lecture Series – Giddens
Allen Todd – Review of Giant in The Shadows: The Life of Robert T, Lincoln, by Jason Emerson
Big Kid Storytime – Activity Room
Ages 4+ years. This is a story hour filled with rhymes, music, games, and crafts. Our goal here is to have fun while learning to be a good audience member and developing a love of reading. We’ll read a story and work on a themed craft or game.
Italian Art, Culture, and Language Class – Board Room
Do you love Italian art, culture and language? If so, this course is for you! It encompasses History, Art, Geography, basic Grammar and Travel into one delightful learning experience. This interactive 6-week class, led by Giorgi Di Lemis, will guide students through Italian culture, and will focus on the influence it had on other cultures. [...]
Teen Thing – Teen Services
Need to decompress and have fun to keep a good school/life balance? Teen Thing is here for you with a different activity or focus each week! It’s the perfect opportunity to try something new with your friend group or meet new people! Schedule: 3/18 Card Games: Hand & Foot 3/25 Teen Advisory Board Meeting
Fairhope Single Tax 2025 Lecture Series – Giddens
Mara Hunter & Shawn Graham. We Are Here: Celebrating Hope Community's Past, Present, and Future. Shawn Graham, Hope Community Founder and President, will speak about the present and future of Hope Community. Mara Hunter will discuss "We Are Here", a digital exhibit she completed with grants from the University of South Alabama, the Hope Community [...]
Mystery Book Club – Board Room
The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware The group is open to all who want to attend. No sign up is required.
Baby Storytime – Activity Room
Ages 0-18 months This storytime is for our lap-sitters and crawlers. The program lasts approximately 30 minutes, with about 10-15 minutes dedicated to reading and rhyme, and 20 minutes dedicated to tummy time/floor play or socialization for parents and babies!