Convergence Book Club – Board Room
Topic: The Middle East
Valentine’s Movie: The Aristocats (G) – Activity Room
All ages. Join us in the Activity Room for The Aristocats! Bring yourself, and/or your favorite movie watching friends and get ready to watch some fun feline shenanigans with Valentine’s Day treats!
Baby Storytime – Activity Room
Ages 0-18 months This storytime is for our lap-sitters and crawlers. The program lasts approximately 30 minutes, with about 10-15 minutes dedicated to reading and rhyme, and 20 minutes dedicated to tummy time/floor play or socialization for parents and babies!
Homeschool Hour – Activity Room
Ages 8-15 years We will explore a new topic every week, followed by a hands-on craft or STEAM based activity. 8-12 years will learn with Ms. Stephanie, while 13+ split off with Ms. Allyson. Activities will be available for siblings 7 and under in the E room.
Chess Club – Activity Room
Ages 8-18 years. Do you enjoy playing or want to learn how to play chess? Bring your friends and join us every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month to have fun and play chess together!
Close Knit Knitting Group – Board Room
The Close Knit Circle invites all hand crafters to join them in the Board Room. All experience levels welcome.
Library Closed
The library is closed to prepare for Chocolate and Champagne.
Chocolate and Champagne – Giddens
Free Build – Activity Room
All ages. Our Activity Room will be open and stocked with Lincoln logs, blocks, LEGOs, and more. This is unstructured free play and exploration. Parents are required to directly supervise their children and help clean up. Stop by and see what you can build!
TED Talks Discussion Group – Board Room
Meets on Mondays in the Computer Lab to discuss a TED talk of interest. Everyone is welcome.