Writer in Residence Reception – Giddens

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Lisa Stapleton Weldon, a graduate of Auburn University, has spent a lifetime in advertising in Atlanta. Her hobby?
Walking cities and sharing the stories she finds. Some of her treks span Manhattan, Paris, Shanghai, Islanbul, and la Ciudad de Panama.
In 2011, at a NYC blogging conference, a literary agent looked Lisa squarely in the eyes and said, “You have to write a book!” And to that Lisa quipped, ”Ma’am, I don’t write!” The agent winced but pressed on. ”Then get a ghostwriter. You story needs to be told.” That’s how Lisa’s appetite for stotytelling began, at age 58. Her first
book, Thirty Pieces, was published ten years later and earned awards from 2022 Nautilus Books and 2021 American Best Books. Lisa is a featured speaker and guest in numerous podcasts and online shows. She is a fellow of the Hambidge Center.   Her current project is Blood Sisters, A Forbidden Friendship During the Civil Rights Era, a novel based in Mobile, the city she calls her hometown.

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