4 events found.
Baby Storytime – Activity Room
Ages 0-18 months This storytime is for our lap-sitters and crawlers. The program lasts approximately 30 minutes, with about 10-15 minutes dedicated to reading and rhyme, and 20 minutes dedicated to tummy time/floor play or socialization for parents and babies!
Homeschool Hour – Activity Room
Ages 8-15 years We will explore a new topic every week, followed by a hands-on craft or STEAM based activity. 8-12 years will learn with Ms. Stephanie, while 13+ split off with Ms. Allyson. Activities will be available for siblings 7 and under in the E room.
Dr. Harvey Joanning – Giddens
"Space Settlements: Living in Outer Space or on Other Planets" Speaker: Dr. Harvey Joanning